这是一个有关基怀创立十年来的故事。它是由已故杨贝蒂(Betty Young)师母 (我们的创始执行董事杨彼得牧师的太太) 著作,引用了马其顿的呼吁“过来帮助我们”,作为给予基怀的遗赠。本书也集合了在这十年里,那些得到基怀帮助的人的故事。此书是在1991年首次印刷,印刷版已在几年前销售完毕。因此,我们推出了电子书的版本让这部遗赠继续被保存。
A fit of coughing racked Jacob’s body and left him gasping for breath. These bouts of asthma had become more and more frequent, leaving him exhausted. At last it was over, and still breathing heavily, he propped himself up against the wall of his cell, his chest glistening with sweat. Life just wasn’t worth living, he concluded. Not only had he to face a probable long sentence for a recent armed robbery, but there were other charges for crimes committed in another town.(Read the book to find out how Jacob and many others found hope behind and beyond the prison bars.)
“Will you take my little boy in?” The smiling, young woman looked in turn at the three of us, sitting around her hospital bed…We all knew we couldn’t accept her son, then seven years old. He was severely physically handicapped. We thought of our boisterous children in House of Care. Khen Siong will be knocked flat on his back in the first five minutes! (Still this cry of a dying mother marked the beginning of Malaysian Care’s special needs ministry)